
Shopping is easy in this compact centre, with four streets, named below, radiating from the focal point The Cross, with its adjacent church tower.

Gloucester has a variety of generic high-street chain stores, as well as more bespoke or individual retail locations. Eastgate Street is the primary shopping area, with most of the banks, the Kings Walk Shopping Arcade and the Eastgate Mall. The Eastgate Mall also has a small indoor market area towards the back, which sells various goods for considerably cheaper than the main stores.

Westgate Street is more 'bohemian' and has many sole traders and cafes. If you're looking for something a little more unique, the Westgate area is your best bet, especially in the small streets leading away to the Cathedral.

Northgate is the 'budget' end of town - if you're looking for groceries, then the Sainsbury's and Wilkinsons stores are good options.

On Fridays, Northgate Street and Southgate Street play host to the local farmers' market.